Please fill out the following format with your information and send it to my discord: pinyeCommission type:
PayPal email: (for invoice)
Commercial use: (yes/no)
Personality traits: (optional, brief description)
Other details: (desired appearance, poses, expressions, etc.)
Background: (flat or custom)
References: (please attach any relevant references)


  • The sketch will be sent after payment. Can be paid either 100% up front or split 50% up front and 50% after sketch approval.

  • Refunds will only be eligible for up to 80% of the total cost if the sketch has already been started. However, if the sketch has been approved, no refund can be issued.

  • The price may increase if the character has a complex design.

  • Completion time may take a week or longer depending on the queue and complexity of the character.

  • Upon finishing, minor adjustments such as color changes, adding small details, or fixing mistakes could be done for free.

  • The price quoted is for personal use only. If you wish to use it for commercial purposes, a different pricing option will be provided, which will be twice the total cost.

  • Paying for the invoice means you agree to the terms of service.